Updates 2/28/22

Hello Korematsu Families, 

I hope everyone had a restorative break. It was great to see our students back on campus today and we look forward to more stable days ahead with COVID seemingly on the steep decline. I am very happy to make this call and not my usual COVID call. 

As we push into Spring I wanted to share a few things:

  • Over the next several weeks students will begin selecting courses for next school year. The high schools will send counselors and administrators to talk about what courses students can take and assist them in choosing classes. We will also meet with current 7th grades and our incoming 6th grade students. We will send out reminders to families once those dates are firm. We just wanted to give everyone a heads up as to what is coming. 
  • As I am sure you are aware we are still in dire need of substitutes. Our teachers are using prep time to cover classes which takes away from grading papers and designing lessons. If you have even one day a week to help please consider applying to substitute.
  • Prior to the break we saw an increase of students abusing bathroom privileges. Some students were spending far too much time outside of class. Please remind your student that it is important to take advantage of all learning opportunities by limiting their time outside the classroom. We certainly don’t want to deny student bathroom trips, but please have a conversation about not using the restroom every single period as some have done.
  • We also want to remind families that the daily announcements students hear during the week can be found on our website. You can find it on the Important Updates and link sidebar.
  • And finally quarter 3 progress reports went home with students today.

Please remind your student to do their best every day. We want our students to be responsible, respectful, resilient and allies to each other and our adults every day.

WCCUSD Vaccine Mandate

The following letter was sent to all WCCUSD families from Dr. Hurst.

Dear WCCUSD community:

We believe vaccination is part of a comprehensive strategy in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus, along with following safety guidelines and conducting weekly testing. Recently, WCCUSD’s Board of Education approved a series of COVID-19 vaccine mandates for students, staff, volunteers, community partners, contractors and vendors who work on school campuses.

To assist families and staff in meeting the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for our District and the state, we are asking families to upload their student’s vaccination documentation status through a secure online portal. Families will be able to add this information in a few easy steps. For your convenience, we have provided an online tutorial to show you how to navigate the platform (see links at end of this message). In the event a family cannot upload into the portal, they may submit a paper copy of the vaccination card to the school site. 

Click here to begin the process of uploading your student’s health record.

As a reminder, eligible WCCUSD students aged 12 and above and staff have until November 15 to get their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The second shot should be taken no later than December 15 in order to meet the full vaccination deadline of January 3, 2022. To assist staff, students and families in getting the COVID-19 vaccine, WCCUSD is co-hosting a number of vaccine clinics in conjunction with the Contra Costa County Health Services.

Parents who believe their student may have a medical condition which would prevent the student from being safely vaccinated must work with their medical provider to obtain a Medical Exemption through the CAIR-ME system. Click here for more information.

Students aged 12 and above who are not fully vaccinated by January 3, 2022 will submit to weekly COVID-19 testing at their school site between January 3 and the end of the first semester (January 14, 2022). Any WCCUSD student who is not fully vaccinated or who does not have a qualified and approved exemption by January 3, 2022 may not attend in person instruction for the spring semester 2022 and must register in the Vista Virtual Academy. Click here for more information

For students with qualified and approved exemptions, the school site will schedule an interactive meeting to discuss safety protocols and develop individualized accommodations.   

If your student will not be vaccinated and does not have a qualified and approved exemption, please complete this form.

We know that you have many questions and concerns and we appreciate your patience and feedback to help us keep students and staff safe. In an effort to provide transparency and improve communication, the District created a FAQ page to answer your questions, and you can also email us your specific vaccination questions here

Here is the how-to doc for parents/students ENG | SPANHere is are the video instructions for parents/students ENG | SPAN

African American Parent Advisory Committee Meeting Tonight

Throughout this school year KMS will hold several African American Parent meetings. These meetings will be centered around supporting students and families with academic and social emotional learning at Korematsu. We will share data and help one other find resources to support students and families.

We would like to invite you to attend a COVID informational talk sponsored by the WCCUSD Office of African American Student Achievement as our first meeting. We know there are a lot of questions about the COVID safety at our schools and the new vaccine mandate. This talk is an excellent opportunity to hear from experts.

The talk will take place on Monday, November 8th from 6:00 – 7:30 PM over zoom. Just go to Lifelong.info/wccusd-call. We will post this information on the Korematsu website as well.

KMS Scavenger Hunt 2021

Korematsu Middle School
Scavenger Hunt
October 23rd, 10am – 12 noon. All hunt locations on a 2 mile loop around the school area. See attached pdf for details on places to hunt for. Bring the whole family!

Raise Money! It’s easy!Sign up your family to pledge a donation here:http://pledgestar.com/korematsu
Volunteer at the Event
Sign up to man a station on the scavenger hunt! Bring a friend! Only 2.5 hours on a Saturday!https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A094DAAAD2EA4F94-korematsu

Escuela secundaria Korematsu
Búsqueda de tesoros

23 de octubre, de 10 a 12 h.
Todos los lugares de caza en un circuito de 2 millas alrededor del área de la escuela.
Consulte el pdf adjunto para obtener detalles sobre los lugares para buscar. ¡Trae a toda la familia!

¡Recauda dinero! ¡Es fácil!
Inscribe a tu familia para prometer una donación aquí:

Voluntario en el evento
¡Regístrese para manejar una estación en la búsqueda del tesoro! ¡Traer un amigo! ¡Solo 2,5 horas un sábado!
¡No les muestre el mapa a sus hijos! ¡Les daremos fotos de lugares para encontrar!

Nightmare on Puberty Street!

Hello Parents of our 7th grade students – 

As part of the mandated instruction of comprehensive health education, Korematsu has partnered with Kaiser Permanente to bring Nightmare on Puberty Street to all 7th grade students. Nightmare on Puberty St. is an age-appropriate web series about four middle school students on their journey through adolescence. As the characters wrestle with the question “Am I normal?” they learn to cope with the changes affecting their bodies and minds. The frank and sometimes funny program shows students how to cope with many of the issues of puberty, including how to handle pressure to be sexually active, how to build self-esteem, and where to find help if faced with feelings of depression or thoughts of suicide. After the web series and a follow-up livestreamed workshop, students will understand everyone goes through changes during puberty, and there are resources to help them adjust to those changes. Nightmare on Puberty St. was created in conjunction with physicians, teachers, licensed counselors, and parents. The performer/educators providing the program receive extensive initial training from doctors and licensed counselors.

We cannot host the live show because of COVID protocols, but Korematsu will be hosting a live virtual assembly with the performers. In these livestreamed workshops, the performer/educators facilitate activities, answer questions, and share information about physical and mental health and wellness, empathy, conflict resolution, social justice, equity, community resources, emotional regulation, peer pressure, early adolescence, and other vital topics.

Before the live workshops we ask that families sit down with students and watch a video in preparation for the livestream event. You can find the video here.

Our livestream event will be Monday September 27th.

If you do not want your student to participate please complete the opt out form.

Nightmare on Puberty Street Info – English Espanol

Back to School Night!

Admin Info Video

Last NameFirst NameZoom Link
Alcocer RuizMarielahttps://wccusd.zoom.us/j/95860702922?pwd=NHNDd2F2eE4xVU5aakd5Vkt0SS9IQT09

Meeting ID: 958 6070 2922
Passcode: 105850
CastroSergioMr. Castro is in a class tonight here is his video.

Meeting ID: 687 876 4228
Meeting ID: 204 893 9314
Meeting ID: 999 3278 3751
Meeting ID: 968 2364 6052 
Passcode: 722314