Go Portola Presents…..

Wine and Cheese in a Fabulous Garden

A Portola Middle School Fundraiser

Please join us Saturday, June 1, 4:30-7:30 p.m.

Enjoy perfectly matched wines and cheeses in a fabulous garden setting. If you went to Portola, go to Portola, or are interested in learning more, please join us for this fun, community-building event.

Live salsa music by Little Spike…and maybe we’ll play a little Limbo!
Wine not your thing? Not to worry. We’ll be serving beers and British cheeses as well.

$20 per person. Pay at the door. Or click on the buy now button below.

Email lesmac@sbcglobal.net to be put on the evite. It would be a tragedy if we did not have a wine glass for you!!

100% of all proceeds benefit the Portola PTSA.

Your Go Portola! Hosts, Bobbie Dowling, Leslie Reckler, Susan Riggle, Alonn Ilan