KMS Opening Update 8/13/20

Powerschool Access/Orientation/

Hello Korematsu families. We are another day closer to the opening of school. I know many families have received a call, text, or email from their homeroom teacher. Teachers will continue making calls tomorrow. Hopefully your student now knows their google homeroom code, and powerschool access username and password. The powerschool username and password are very important as it allows student to see their schedule. We plan to open powerschool up on Friday night once we finish balancing the schedule.

If your child does not have their powerschool username and password you can come by the school tomorrow for a drive through style handoff. We will be handing out this paper from 9 until 3. Simply drive down Donal Ave., stop in front of the main office, and let us know the student’s name. Please make sure you are wearing a mask. Most of our 8th grade students should know how to get into powerschool already so I do not anticipate seeing many 8th graders…

Also I will be posting a video tomorrow night at 5:30 as an orientation to the school year. Please also continue to check this website. And we now have an email you can send to for questions. It is centralized and we can route it to the person best suited for support. The email is

We know this is an anxious time, and we are working to create a soft landing for our students. Please continue to reach out directly to me as needed.
