Message from Superintendent Duffy: March 30 School Closure Update – Information on Grades and Report Cards

Dear WCCUSD Families,

Today, Contra Costa Health Services announced that the shelter-in-place order will be extended through May 3. While we know that schools will be closed through May 1, this new order highlights the continued need to follow the guidelines issued by public health experts to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Please continue to follow these guidelines and keep yourself and your families safe.

As we enter Week 3 of the school closures, we continue to expand on the services we are providing to students and families. Our partnerships are increasing and we have done a lot of work to set up a distance learning program that will offer students engaging, empowering and challenging curriculum. We have communicated details about the distance learning plan with our teachers and school leaders and will share it with you tomorrow evening.

Today, I can share with you the plan for grades and report cards for the second trimester at elementary schools and third quarter for secondary students. Second trimester report cards for elementary school students will be distributed this week..

For secondary schools, the third quarter will end on Friday, April 3, 2020. Our goal is to have all report cards and Special Education Progress Reports completed by Monday, April 13, 2020. Distribution will take place no later than Friday, April 17, 2020 and may be done electronically or by mail. 

Students and families should know that only assignments given to students on or before March 13, 2020, will be used in calculating grades. If your student receives an Incomplete (I) grade, there will be an opportunity to complete the required assignments and they will be given a timeline for doing so.

If you have any questions regarding report cards, please contact your child’s teacher or school principal.

The Board of Education will hold a meeting on Wednesday, April 1. This meeting will be virtual and meet the standards set in the Governor’s Emergency Order issued on March 12, 2020. Members of the public can access the meeting via Zoom or by telephone. Directions to access the meeting are available on the agenda.

Student meal pick up will continue from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 17 locations in the District. All children 18 and under are eligible to receive meals regardless of household income or school they attend.

For all the news about school closures, please check the District’s web page at You can also receive information through our social media platforms. Follow us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram. Lastly, if you are not receiving updates for the District, make sure we have your correct contact information by completing this Google Form.

Thank you for your continued patience and support throughout this crisis.

In Partnership,

Matthew Duffy

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