WCCUSD School Board Candidate Forum

Monday, October 6, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Harding Elementary School Theater

 The school board makes important decisions that affect teachers and children attending public schools in the district.

Arts education, all-day kindergarten, bond measures for construction, charter schools, differentiated instruction, Gifted and Talented Program (GATE), Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) spending, math programs, parcel taxes for programs, parents as stakeholders, teacher quality and compensation.  Who should be elected to shape these programs and spend this money?

The PTAs of Kensington, Harding, Madera, Mira Vista, Fairmont, Washington and Korematsu are proud to join together to sponsor a WCCUSD School Board Candidates Forum.

This November, three seats out of the five are up for election.  There are ten candidates running. We will have at least one new board member since long-time board member Charles Ramsey is not seeking re-election.

This forum is especially designed for the El Cerrito feeder school population and will be moderated by our own Ellen Hartigan-O’Connor.  Come and have your questions answered. Learn about these candidates!

For information, or to submit a question to the forum, please email us at: 4westcounty@gmail.com