AAPAC Meeting 1/28/21

 We will be having our first AAPAC (African American Parent Advisory Committee) meeting this month, virtually, on Thursday, January 28th from 6-7pm.  Principal Burnham will be with us to discuss our school’s work and budget for the success of our children. Future AAPAC meetings will be on the fourth Thursday of the month until the end of the school year, and we sincerely hope to see you there.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 957 1220 3815
Passcode: 548341
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,95712203815#,,,,*548341# US (San Jose)

STEAM Event Tomorrow 2PM!

We are only a few days away from our first STEAM in action event. Don’t forget to mark your calendars or set an alarm for 2.00 pm on Tuesday the 26th. There are seals to save and prizes to win. 
Zoom access will be available to the first 500 participants. The event will also be streamed on the Korematsu Facebook and ASE Facebook pages. Please bookmark these pages. Korematsu Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KorematsuMiddleSchoolPTSAASE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ASEInnovate
Zoom Access: 
Meeting ID: 843 937 7588
Passcode: Innovate
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,8439377588#,,,,*565403# US (San Jose)

       See you at the splash!

Estamos a solo unos días de nuestro primer evento STEAM en acción. No olvide marcar sus calendarios o programar una alarma para las 2:00 pm del martes 26. Hay sellos que guardar y premios que ganar.
El acceso a Zoom estará disponible para los primeros 500 participantes. El evento también se transmitirá en las páginas de Facebook de Korematsu y Facebook de ASE. Marque estas páginas como favoritos. Korematsu Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KorematsuMiddleSchoolPTSAASE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ASEInnovate
Zoom Access: 
Meeting ID: 843 937 7588
Passcode: Innovate
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,8439377588#,,,,*565403# US (San Jose)

       ¡Nos vemos en el chapoteo!

Schedule Updates/Adjustments

Schedule Updates:
Friday there is no school for students. The end of the semester is always a teacher work day to complete grades and prepare for the second semester. Students will not have a homeroom class, and there will be no asynchronous work.

Schedule Adjustments:
We have also changed the schedule that follows a Monday holiday. Students will attend all 6 classes on Tuesday January 19th. The classes are shortened. Teachers will inform students if it will be an asynchronous or synchronous lesson.
We will be back to normal with three classes on Wednesday January 20th.

Winter Recess and more…

Hello all –

A reminder that our winter recess begins at the end of the day Friday. Students will be off from December 21st through January 1st and will be back to online learning January 4th. During this long break I want to encourage students to read as much as possible. I know some students will also have some make up work to complete. When we come back from break students will have two weeks until the end of the first semester on January 15th.

We will have a yearbook this year! Like everything it’ll be a Covid edition. But we really need your support. Please send pictures to the yearbook committee at kms_yearbook2020 on instagram. If you are not an instagram user you can always send them to askkorematsu@wccusd.net and be sure to label the pictures. Send us head shots, funny photos, halloween pictures, zoom shots, and anything that we might add to the yearbook.

Please check out the semi-weekly news. As more students participate we are beginning to see a great show.

I hope everyone has a pleasant and safe winter recess. Please take care of one another and keep reading!

PS – I sent this newsletter to all student last week. It provides some information that may be useful. I do want to encourage students and families to participate in the after school program (Extended Learning Program) as it does offer turning and socializing options.

Picture Day Part 2

This is an update about picture day. Pictures for students with last names beginning with Lic – Z are this Friday November 20th from 10AM – 2:00. We did not have that many students come last Friday and expect the same this Friday. If you do not want to get your picture taken that is just fine. We will work out a way for you to send us a picture for the yearbook. (You do not have to come get your picture taken.)

Here is the schedule by Last Name:

10:30AM – 11:30AM – Licata – Perez
11:30AM – 12:30PM – Perkins – Singh
12:30PM – 1:30PM – Singleton – Zweben

All pictures will be taken in the gym.
Only students may enter the gym.
Families will pull up along the school to drop students.
Cones and other markings will identify where students will walk.
Students will enter the main gym doors. Get their picture taken and leave through the back doors.
Students will follow a set of cones to Norvell St. for pickup.

Picture Day Part 1

Hello Korematsu Families- This is an update about picture day. In order to ensure all safety protocols are followed there will be two picture days. The first picture day is this Friday, November, 13th from 10AM – 3:00.

All other students will participate Friday the 20th. 

  • All pictures will be taken in the gym.
  • Families will pull up along the school to drop students.
  • Cones and other markings will identify where students will walk.
  • Students will enter the main gym doors. Get their picture taken and leave through the back doors.
  • Students will follow a set of cones to Norvell St. for pickup.
  • A map has been sent to all students through their grade level google classroom.

Here is the schedule by Last Name:

10:00AM  – 11:00AM –  A – Brown
11:00 – Noon – Bradford – Corrigan
12:00PM – 1:00PM – Cortez – Formica
1:00PM – 2:00PM – Franco – Herenstein
2:00PM – 3:00PM  Hewett – Lee

Nightmare on Puberty Street

Next Thursday all 7th grade students will participate in a workshop known as the Nightmare on Puberty Street. This is part of the California Healthy Youth Act and provides comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education. For many years students in the 7th grade have watched an age-appropriate live performance about four middle school students on their journey through adolescence. Because we are in the distance learning environment, this year we will have students watch a web-series and then participate in a workshop. Nightmare on Puberty St. was created in conjunction with physicians, teachers, licensed counselors, and parents. You can also access the webisodes here. If you have concerns and do not want your child to participate please contact the main office.